
Thursday, 30 June 2011


June 30, 2011 Healthland emailFORWARD TO A FRIEND
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Study: Can a Soda Tax Help Curb Obesity?
By Tara Thean

Amid the many battles the United States is fighting — in Libya, with Congress, in Afghanistan, to name a few — there's another costly war going on at home: against Americans' expanding waistlines. As the U.S. population continues to balloon, [...]

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Relationships 101: Having a Supportive Mom Helps You Commit
By Bonnie Rochman

Commitment can be a scary word. But if you want to teach your child how to love well, new research suggests being a supportive mom is key. A team of researchers has found that supportive mothers, those who showed sympathy [...]

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CT Lung Cancer Screening Saves Lives, But at What Cost?
By Kate Pickert

There are only a few cancer diagnoses more terrifying than lung cancer. The disease is responsible for about one-third of all U.S. cancer deaths every year and only 15% of people diagnosed with it live more than five years. These [...]

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Did Airport Scanners Give Boston TSA Agents Cancer?
By Frances Romero

Could radiation from full-body scanners be responsible for a "cancer cluster" among airport security workers? That's what Transportation Security Administration union representatives in Boston have claimed. Now, the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has obtained documents from the Department [...]

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Federal Panel Votes to Revoke Avastin's Breast Cancer Approval
By Sora Song

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Report: Chronic, Undertreated Pain Affects 116 Million Americans
By Maia Szalavitz

Serious, chronic pain affects at least 116 million Americans each year, many of whom are inadequately treated by the health-care system, according to a new report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The report offers a blueprint for addressing what [...]

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Summer Safety: How Clean Is the Water at Your Beach?
By Meredith Melnick

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Teens and Drugs: Rite of Passage or Recipe for Addiction?
By Alice Park

Teen drug use shouldn't be looked at as a rite of passage but as a public health problem, say experts, and one that has reached "epidemic" levels. In a new report on drug, alcohol and tobacco use among teens in [...]

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Studies: Why Diet Sodas Are No Benefit to Dieters
By Meredith Melnick

More bad news, diet soda drinkers: data presented recently at the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) Scientific Sessions suggest that diet drinks may actually contribute to weight gain and that the artificial sweeteners in them could potentially contribute Type 2 diabetes. [...]

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Online Cheaters Still Prefer Real-World Infidelity
By Bonnie Rochman

Anthony Weiner, take note: according to a new study about cyberinfidelity, sexting with people you meet online is a really poor substitute for sex. New research shows that the majority of people who first cheat online end up cheating with [...]

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Stressed in the City: How Urban Life May Change Your Brain
By Alice Park
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'Magic Mushrooms' Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term
By Maia Szalavitz
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Sex and Spicy Food: Half of Women Try Folklore to Induce Labor
By Bonnie Rochman
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