
Thursday, 23 June 2011


June 23, 2011 Healthland emailFORWARD TO A FRIEND
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North Carolina Mulls Compensating Victims of Forced Sterilization
By Bonnie Rochman

Having a baby is a widely anticipated milestone for many adults, so it's easy to imagine the shock endured by thousands of people who were forcibly sterilized by the government beginning before World War II. Now, North Carolina has become [...]

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Next on CSI: Using Saliva to Tell a Person's Age
By Alice Park

If you're a fan of CSI, you know that dead men don't tell lies. Not even about their age. But it wasn't until a new discovery by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, that scientists could actually determine [...]

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Study: The Best and Worst Foods for Healthy Weight
By Sora Song

When it comes to keeping your weight down, a new study by Harvard researchers suggests that the quality of your food matters more than its calorie count. Intuitively, we know that gorging on burgers and French fries and slurping down soda [...]

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A Doctor's View: Lessons from a Painful Heel
By Dr. Scott Haig

I love PRP. So far. Platelet rich plasma is a red liquid I have injected, to date, into five patient's heels and four patient's elbows. These people were probably going to need surgery. The foot patients had insertional Achilles tendonopathy, [...]

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Stressed in the City: How Urban Life May Change Your Brain
By Alice Park

I live in New York City, and for me, there's nothing that compares to its culture, energy and convenience. I'm not alone in feeling this way — more than half of the world's population now lives in urban areas. But [...]

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Study: High-Dose Statins May Raise the Risk of Diabetes Slightly
By Meredith Melnick

High doses of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins may protect patients from heart attack, but a new analysis of five previous clinical trials finds that they may also increase patients' risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The new study, which appeared Tuesday [...]

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FDA Says Silicone Breast Implants Are Mostly Safe
By Sora Song

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Study: Doctors May Be Confused About Cervical Cancer Screening
By Tara Thean

The U.S. has arguably the world's best medical tools available — especially when it comes to cancer screening, which has significantly reduced the mortality rates of serious killers such as breast and colorectal cancer in the last few years. But [...]

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Sex and Spicy Food: Half of Women Try Folklore to Induce Labor
By Bonnie Rochman

By the time a pregnant woman draws near her due date or breezes by it, with no sign of baby, she may get a little desperate. What to do? Many women turn to folklore. Myriad are the well-intentioned people who [...]

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Vote for Me for President! I Have Many Kids
By Belinda Luscombe

With the arrival of Jon Huntsman, father of seven, into the Republican presidential primary race, the field is beginning to resemble a Holiday Inn on Kids-Stay-Free Weekend. There are big families all over the joint. And it's not just that [...]

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AddictionBody & Mind
Editors' Picks
The Fathering Gap: Pitfalls of Modern Fatherhood
By Belinda Luscombe
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What Gabrielle Giffords Can Expect When She Leaves Rehab
By Meredith Melnick
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Environmental Health
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home
By Meredith Melnick
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