
Sunday, 3 July 2011

WHFoods Weekly Newsletter

Food of the Week

The George Mateljan Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or advertising, is a new force for change to help make a healthier you and a healthier world.

June 20, 2011

This week, blueberries are our Food of the Week. Summer is the time of year when we begin to enjoy an abundance of fresh fruits, and it is best to enjoy them when they are at their peak. Now is the time to enjoy blueberries because they not only taste their best but you get the most return for your dollar.
The healthiest way to eat fruit is the traditional way: raw. By eating fruits raw, you can enjoy their fullest flavor and gain the greatest benefits from their vast array of nutrients and digestion-aiding enzymes. When you think about the natural enzymes in fruit, it is no surprise that for millennia, people in Asia and those living along the Mediterranean have been eating fruit for dessert, not only as a delicious ending to a meal, but as a great digestive aid as well.
That's why I often wonder why people settle for sugar and fat-laden desserts when they could be enjoying desserts made with delectable whole fruits. They not only taste great, but take no time at all to prepare compared to cooked desserts. Cooking fruit also exposes itto high temperatures (baking at 350°F/175°C) , which destroys its naturally occurring, health-promoting enzymes; these enzymes are destroyed at 118-180°F/48°-82°C. Vitamins are lost at temperatures above 200°F/93°C. For example, fresh apples are a good source of vitamin C, but when they are cooked, most of their vitamin C is lost, and their glycemic index (a measure of how quickly their sugars are absorbed) increases.
My "No Bake" recipes help you get the best flavor and most nutritional benefits from your fruit. You will find many of these under the dessert section on our list of Healthy Recipes
Great Dessert Recipes That Take Only Minutes and Taste Great!
Everyone loves dessert, and in my Healthiest Way of Eating, I encourage you to enjoy healthy desserts made from fresh fruit. My recipe for this week, Blueberries and Yogurt, is a great example. It is healthy, easy to prepare, and when layered into a parfait, will contribute an aesthetically beautiful addition to your table. Click the "Play" button on the video screen on the home page ( and learn how easy it is to prepare this delicious Summer Squash recipe with me.
The anthocyanin phytonutrients found in blueberries, along with their vitamin C, deliver powerful antioxidant protection against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. One cup of blueberries provides 31% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C, 20% DV for manganese, and 16% DV for dietary fiber.
What You Should Know About Blueberries
Blueberries are not only popular, but also repeatedly ranked in the U.S. diet as having one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings ... The Latest News About Blueberries.
Smart Food Choices
How do foods affect our sleep? There's no doubt that there are many of us in the United States that have trouble getting a good night's sleep. 42% of all healthy, middle-aged women report some kind of sleep trouble ...
Best Food Sources for:
Enjoy your Healthiest Way of Eating this week!
P.S. Remember you can now find us on Facebook!

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Food of the Week . . . Blueberries
Did you know that, in a study analyzing 60 fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant capabilities, blueberries came out on top? Antioxidants help protect against oxidative stress. Oxidation, a natural and sometimes necessary occurrence in the body, can be accelerated to excessive levels by environmental and dietary factors that create highly reactive molecules called free radicals. Free radicals have been associated with conditions as varied as cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Blueberries are packed with anthocyanins, phytonutrients that not only provide these berries with their dark blue color, but (along with other phytonutrients such as resveratrol, ellagic acid, and vitamin C), prevent these oxidized molecules from directly damaging cells. Read More ...
If you have any questions about today's Newsletter Ask George Your Question
Blueberry Parfait

Recipe of the Week

view recipe ...
The Food Tip of the Week Is there something special about blueberries?
Here is the Daily Tip for this week: Does soaking nuts increase their digestibility? Many raw food proponents and certain healthcare traditions (such as Ayurveda) recommend that raw nuts be soaked for many hours, or overnight, as a way to help increase their digestibility. However, to my knowledge, there is no scientific research to substantiate the greater digestibility of soaked nuts ...
New Book When you order our book The World's Healthiest Foods: Essential Guide for the Healthiest Way of Eating you will receive free access to videos (valued at $15.95) featuring George sharing with you how to make a "5-Course Meal in 15 Minutes," tips on selecting and storing foods, the Healthiest Way of Cooking, and more. You will also receive a free guide, How To Create a "Healthiest Way of Eating" Group, which will show you how to share a healthy evening of eating in the comfort of your home with family, friends, or other couples. The total value of the videos and guide is $24.95, but they are free when you purchase our book.
Thank you soooooo much....I have been enjoying the website through for quite some time. With the book I have even more information. Your thoughtfulness is truly inspirational for this day and time! God bless you in everything you do! - Elaine

Circulation: over 80,000
Copyright © 2011 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

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