
Sunday, 3 July 2011


July 01, 2011 Healthland emailFORWARD TO A FRIEND
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Americans love to snack. We do at the movie theater, at our desks at work, in front of the TV, in the car, even on the subway. There's hardly a time during the day when we aren't putting food in [...]
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Is there anything worse than trying to make informed decisions in the sunscreen aisle? The very attempt is an exercise in frustration: on a recent trip to Target, I scanned the dozens of products on the sunblock display alongside a [...]
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Join us for a lively discussion of the biggest health and science news this week. First, the bitter fight over whether breast-cancer patients should have access to the controversial drug Avastin. Also: should you live together before marrying? And I [...]
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Amanda Knox, the 23-year-old American college student who was convicted of sexually assaulting and killing her roommate, Meredith Kercher, in Italy in 2007, allegedly after an orgy gone wrong, got good news this week. Independent experts working on her ongoing appeal [...]
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In women's ongoing dilemma over when to start routine mammogram screening for breast cancer, a large new, longitudinal study may add a wrinkle. The Swedish Two-County Trial, which began in the late 1970s, followed 133,000 women who were divided into [...]
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In an unusual tactic, The Spine Journal has dedicated its June issue to a series of papers that carefully reject previous research supporting the use of Infuse, a controversial, but popular bone growth product commonly used in spinal fusion surgeries. [...]
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Amid the many battles the United States is fighting — in Libya, with Congress, in Afghanistan, to name a few — there's another costly war going on at home: against Americans' expanding waistlines. As the U.S. population continues to balloon, [...]
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Commitment can be a scary word. But if you want to teach your child how to love well, new research suggests being a supportive mom is key. A team of researchers has found that supportive mothers, those who showed sympathy [...]
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There are only a few cancer diagnoses more terrifying than lung cancer. The disease is responsible for about one-third of all U.S. cancer deaths every year and only 15% of people diagnosed with it live more than five years. These [...]
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(Updated) Could radiation from full-body scanners be responsible for a "cancer cluster" among airport security workers? That's what Transportation Security Administration union representatives in Boston have claimed. Now, the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has obtained documents from the [...]
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Stressed in the City: How Urban Life May Change Your Brain
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'Magic Mushrooms' Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term
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Sex and Spicy Food: Half of Women Try Folklore to Induce Labor
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