
Friday, 15 July 2011


July 15, 2011 Healthland emailFORWARD TO A FRIEND
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Why Working Men, But Not Women, Get More Exercise
By Laura Blue

Who says your job leaves you no time to hit the gym? A detailed new study of U.S. physical activity patterns shows that men who work full-time — whether their jobs are active or sedentary— end up getting more exercise than healthy working-age men without a job. [...]

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The Healthland Podcast: Superobese Kids, Parents on Facebook and Betty Ford's Mixed Legacy
By John Cloud, Belinda Luscombe and Sora Song

This week on the podcast, Healthland editor Sora Song asks whether child obesity is child abuse. TIME editor-at-large Belinda Luscombe reports that adults are less savvy on Facebook than teens. And TIME senior writer John Cloud makes a case against [...]

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Using a Big Fork May Help You Eat Less
By Laura Blue

Here's a well-known weight-loss tip: use a smaller plate, and you'll be satisfied with a smaller portion. The tip works — provided you're not genuinely very hungry — because a large part of our satisfaction at the end of a meal [...]

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T.M.I., Mom. Parents and Adults Overshare on Facebook Too, Study Says
By Belinda Luscombe

Many dire warnings have been sounded about kids using social media, particularly because teenage-sized wisdom tends to mix dangerously with Facebook-sized measures of public display. But a new study suggests that it's not just kids who overshare online. Grown-ups and [...]

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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer or Not? The Latest Answer Is No
By Bryan Walsh

Back in May, a group of experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) made waves when they warned that mobile phones may indeed raise the risk for some brain tumors. As I wrote in TIME: To the [...]

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Study: For Asthma Patients, Placebos Feel Just as Good as the Drug
By Tara Thean

Sometimes the mind provides the most powerful medicine of all. A new Harvard Medical School investigation in asthma patients shows that the "placebo effect" — in which patients experience real benefits from sham treatments — can be as effective as [...]

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Move Over, Alpha Males. Why Being a Beta May Be Better (at Least for Baboons)
By Maia Szalavitz

It's stressful at the top, at least for male baboons, according to a new study that finds that alpha males — those at the pinnacle of the social hierarchy — are significantly more stressed out than a group's No. 2, [...]

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Hollywood to Kids: Smoking Isn't Cool
By Laura Blue

Were they still alive today, John Wayne and Humphrey Bogart might have been given a serious image makeover. The message from Hollywood last year: smoking in movies is not cool anymore. The number of scenes that show cigarettes has fallen dramatically [...]

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To Ward off Dementia, Try Staying Healthy From Head to Toe
By Anne Harding/

Heart disease, strokes and other serious health conditions that affect the circulatory system or brain have long been thought to contribute to an increased risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Now, a new study suggests that even relatively minor health [...]

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How Funky Foot Odor Could Help Save Lives
By Katy Steinmetz

Fifteen years ago a Dutch scientist stood in a room, naked, and let himself be swarmed by mosquitoes. The idea was to see which part of the body the bugs were most attracted to. Turns out, it's the feet — [...]

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The July Effect: Why Summer is the Most Dangerous Time to Go to the Hospital
By Alice Park
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Should Parents Lose Custody of Their Extremely Obese Kids?
By Bonnie Rochman
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Salt: How Bad Is It, Really?
By Laura Blue
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