
Tuesday, 5 July 2011


July 05, 2011 Healthland emailFORWARD TO A FRIEND
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Smokers Can Quit With Help Via Text Message
By Meredith Melnick

The jury's still out on just how much cell phones may contribute to cancer, but here's one way they may help prevent it: by encouraging smokers to quit. A British study found that smokers who received motivational and supportive text [...]

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Less-Educated Women Have More Children. Or Is It the Other Way Around?
By Bonnie Rochman

It makes sense that education would impede childbearing. In nearly every country, women with more education tend to have fewer children than less-educated mothers. But new research suggests it may actually work the other way around: having more children hamstrings [...]

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Study: Environmental Factors May Be Just as Important as Genes in Autism
By Alice Park

Autism is undeniably influenced by genes, but a new study suggests that environmental factors may also contribute significantly — more than researchers previously thought — to the developmental disorder. In fact, environmental factors may play at least as big a [...]

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Study: Quitting Smoking With Chantix May Increase Risk of Heart Attack
By Alice Park

A popular drug prescribed to help people quit smoking may pose a significantly increased risk of heart attack in users, a new study finds. The results may further complicate doctors' and patients' decisions to use the drug, Chantix, which has [...]

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Study: Toddlers Who Are Slow to Talk Still Develop Normally
By Alice Park

A toddler's first years are paved with milestones — the first smile, the first step and perhaps most importantly, the first word — all indicators of how well an infant is developing. But the latest research suggests that parents need [...]

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'Baby Einstein' Creators Say a Study Slamming Their Product Was Flawed
By Sora Song

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Medicare Will Continue to Pay for Avastin
By Meredith Melnick

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said Medicare will continue paying for Avastin for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, despite a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel's recommendation to withdraw the drug's approval for that use. "The [...]

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New Use for Duct Tape: Fighting Infection
By Maia Szalavitz

Duct tape seems to have infinite uses, from the silly to the sinister. It's an essential tool in any handyperson's arsenal. But a Midwest hospital system seems to have found a genuinely unique way to utilize the ubiquitous sticky stuff: [...]

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Snack Attack! Americans Are Eating More Between Meals
By Meredith Melnick

Americans love to snack. We do at the movie theater, at our desks at work, in front of the TV, in the car, even on the subway. There's hardly a time during the day when we aren't putting food in [...]

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Choosing a Sunscreen: Some Tips from an Expert
By Bonnie Rochman

Is there anything worse than trying to make informed decisions in the sunscreen aisle? The very attempt is an exercise in frustration: on a recent trip to Target, I scanned the dozens of products on the sunblock display alongside a [...]

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Stressed in the City: How Urban Life May Change Your Brain
By Alice Park
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'Magic Mushrooms' Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term
By Maia Szalavitz
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Sex and Spicy Food: Half of Women Try Folklore to Induce Labor
By Bonnie Rochman
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